PRESS EVENT TODAY at 1:30 PM in Madison County
Claudia Tenney, Law Enforcement & Local Officials
Will Discuss Policing and Law & Order Issues in NY-22
Wampsville, NY – Claudia Tenney, Republican candidate for Congress in New York’s 22nd Congressional District, will be joined by Assemblyman John Salka, Madison County’s Todd Hood, New York State Troopers PBA’s John Clark and Dan Sisto, and other law enforcement officials to discuss the need for effective law enforcement. Tenney will discuss her support for law enforcement and her appreciation of their tireless work keeping us all safe. Salka, Hood, the Troopers PBA, and other police officials will highlight their support for Tenney.
Press InquiriesFor All Participants Are Welcome
LOCATION: Madison County Courthouse (oustide steps) 138 N Court St Wampsville, NY 13163
DATE/TIME: Wednesday, August 26, 2020 at 1:30PM