Media Avail TOMORROW: Tenney to VisitNational Pipe & Plastics
Tenney will tour plant and discuss growing the economy with manufacturing employees
Tenney will tour plant and discuss growing the economy with manufacturing employees
Event: Claudia Tenney will tour Endicott’s National Pipe & Plastics
Location: 15 Mills Ave, Endicott NY
Time/Date: 11:30AM on August 14th
GOP Candidate for Congress in New York’s 22nd District Claudia Tenney will tour the site of National Pipe and Plastics Corporation in Endicott, NY. She will meet with executives and employees during their shift change. Tenney will discuss the challenges of running a manufacturing business in the region, the impact of COVID, trade policy and Made in America strategies, and how to help the economy recover.
Tenney will be available for media questions on topics includingher campaign, her own small business experience, and her policy proposals for improving NY22 businesses’ prospects and the economic recovery.
National Pipe & Plastics is one the largest PVC pipe makers in North America and one of the largest manufacturing employers in NY22 and the region. Its facilities manufacture a variety of products including piping for water/sewer, electrical conduit parts and fittings, and other industrial plumbing products.
Tenney, who co-owns a small family manufacturing businessin nearby Sherburne, New York (Chenango County), is a champion for Made in America policies, getting tough on China, and promoting a positive manufacturing oriented business climate in the US.
More on Claudia on China and Trade: March 2020 (Syracuse Post Standard): Pandemic’s lesson is that we must break China’s grip on US