ClaudiaTenney Releases NEW Pro-Police Ad in NY-22
30-year local police veteran says Tenney has law enforcement’s back

NY22—Today,ClaudiaTenney, Republican candidate for Congress for the 22nd District, launched a new ad highlighting her support for law enforcement in the region and across the country.

The 30-second ad, “Stressful Job,” features Greg Malta Sr., a 30-year law enforcement veteran formerly of the Herkimer police department. Malta describes the challenges of law enforcement and why police need Claudia Tenney back in Congress. [Watch “Stressful Job” Here]

ClaudiaTenney said:“In Congress, I will defend our brave men and women of lawenforcement and ensure ourpolice have all the resources and tools they need to protect and serve because I actually ‘Back theBlue.’”

Tenney, a stalwart supporter of police, enjoys the endorsement of dozens of law enforcement officials across the 22nd District including the New York State Troopers PBA.


MALTA: My name is Gregory Malta Sr.

I’m a 30-year law enforcement veteran.

It is a stressful job.

We wake up every day, you go to work, and you hope by the end of the shift, your goal is to go home to your family.

WhenClaudiawas our Congresswoman, I worked hand in hand with her.

She’s definitely a true public servant. She is out there for the people.

She cares about public safety.

We need to get her back in office where our first responders and our law enforcement know that someone’s got our backs.


1. Anthony Brindisi voted against a resolution to honor George Floyd and condemn “defund the police” pushes, rioting, looting, and the destruction of property including historical statues.

2. Brindisi also supported Pelosi’s anti-police bill,H.R.7120, which would:

2a. Allow trial lawyers like Brindisi to sue police officers personally, making them financially liable, even though they are already subject to disciplinary and criminal sanctions for potential misconduct.

2b. Make every accusation against any officer, even unproven or false ones, public on an internet database. This opens the door to unwarranted harassment against police for false allegations.

2c. Ban law enforcement agencies from receiving defense surplus items and equipment free of charges.

According to the Defense Logistics Agency agencies in the 22nd District have received $3 million in equipment from this program while the Troopers have received millions more, resulting in taxpayer savings.

Items include thirty-five (35) first-aid kits for the Norwich police, and radar detectors for the city of Oneida in Madison County, and heart defibrillators/resuscitators for the Endicott police department. New York State Troopers have also received valuable surplus equipment including binoculars, tool kits, helicopters, and a cargo plane.