Brindisi’s Latest Spectrum Gambit? Mislead NY22 Voters
Brindisi Admits He Failed to “Hold Spectrum Accountable”
Brindisi Admits He Failed to “Hold Spectrum Accountable”
NY22 – The campaign of Claudia Tenney, Republican candidate for Congress in New York’s 22nd Congressional District, responded to Anthony Brindisi’s latest and most desperate Spectrum ploy – a new Brindisi campaign ad that follows the release of Claudia’s commercial, “Ripped Off,” last Wednesday.
Tenney spokesman Sean Kennedy said:
“Brindisi is desperate to hide his failure to ‘hold Spectrum accountable.’ On Brindisi’s watch, Spectrum has raised cable and internet rates six times while Brindisi has taken nearly $400,000 from Spectrum-affiliated groups. Claudia Tenney wants to end Spectrum’s monopoly and give consumers choices. Voters want affordable, high-quality service and deserve a Member of Congress who delivers for them, not one who lies to them.”
Brindisi’s ad misleadingly cites a January 2019 story from WKTV – the month he took office — about “holding Spectrum accountable” but since then, nothing has happened, except more poor service and repeated rate hikes from Spectrum.
The Facts:
Spectrum has raised internet and cable rates six (6) times since Brindisi took office in January 2019, the latest being August 5, 2020, while Brindisi has done nothing to stop it.
Brindisi’s campaign has taken hundreds of thousands of dollars – and counting – from Spectrum-affiliated PACs.
Brindisi admitted his failure to accomplish anything on Spectrum on Utica’s WUTQ Radio on Thursday August 6th. [When pressed on his inaction and ineffectiveness on Spectrum, he replied: “Have I been as successful as I’ve like to be? I have not…” Statement comes from 22:43 mark [Listen to Brindisi admit his failure here]
Claudia Tenney has a solution – end the Spectrum monopoly and give consumers choice. She outlined her thoughts in an op-ed published across the district including the Binghamton Press & Sun Bulletin and Utica Observer-Dispatch. [Read Claudia’s Spectrum Op-ed here]
Last week, Claudia sent a letter to the New York Public Service Commission (PSC) and Governor Cuomo demanding action on Spectrum, since they created Spectrum’s monopoly and the PSC approves all rate hikes. [Read Claudia’s letter here]